What To Expect

Praise and Worship

At The Living Rooms we welcome people from a wide range of Church backgrounds and none. Our worship is very informal and everyone is free to praise God. Some like to stand, some like to sit, some like to raise their hands, some like to close their eyes – whatever helps you to enter into worship with God. Although we sing a wide variety of new and modern praise songs, we also like to sing some of the well loved older hymns.

We have an All Age Family service with a soft start at 10.30am and beginning at 10:45am for chat and catch up time together. We then have some led worship followed by a time for small group Bible study, for the adults, and a Sunday School style group for the kids with everyone following the same passage/story.

There is also a more typical Evening Celebration at 7pm with a teaching message every Sunday.

Check our Events calendar for scheduling details.


Each Sunday evening there is a message from the Bible. These are given by Ken, or other members of the fellowship, or by a guest speaker, or even video. They are relevant, interesting, often challenging, and help us to get to know God and have a real relationship with him.


At our Sunday evening services there is the opportunity to make a freewill offering. This is completely voluntary and is part of our worship to God. All the money which is gifted goes to help other individuals or charities that are of special interest to the fellowship.

What to wear

Come as you are. There isn’t any dress code. Just relax and be yourself!


Prayer is a very important part of what we do at The Living Rooms. We believe that God is passionate about having his people pray so that He can release his power in response. He keeps reminding us that He can make the impossible happen! There is the opportunity for people to request prayer at the end of our Sunday Night Service. The fellowship also meets for praise and prayer every Tuesday evening from 7.00pm until 8.30pm. We hold occasional special prayer events e.g. an extended evening of prayer or 24 hours of prayer.